On-Hold Music

The Power of Music

Music is the ultimate gift, no matter where we are or what we're doing. When our hearts sing, our minds are at peace.

Music makes the difference

Silence is not golden. When customers or callers are on hold, it is important to add a positive message to the wait time. Studies show that this will increase your success and decrease frustration in callers. It can also provide a mood-enhancing boost for customers and callers who are waiting on the phone.

Enhance mood and influence brand perception

Music can have a powerful impact on our mood and behavior. When choosing background music for your calls, make sure you pick tracks that match the brand of your frequent callers.

If you’re speaking to a mixed demographic, something that appeals to everyone is the best course of action. If you know your demographics better, find music that matches their tastes.


Classical music is known for boosting cognitive abilities. It also has a calming effect which often results in a clear and logical response pattern from them.


Jazz music can have a really positive effect on listeners. It's upbeat and conversational. Let your customers know you're here with good vibes.


Contemporary music can be a great way to release some stress and feel more positive. It's the perfect choice for your callers


Country music is a great way to start conversations. It's also known for empathy and a beat that keeps your customers tapping their toes.

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